peter huebner • micro music laboratories
M E D I C A L   R E S O N A N C E   T H E R A P Y   M U S I C®
R E D U C T I O N   O F   P S Y C H O – P H Y S I O L O G I C A L   M A N I F E S T A T I O N S   O F   S T R E S S


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The Cosmic
Education Program


Peter Hübner
Developer of the University


Faculty of

Leading Thoughts

Logical Path - Theory

Logical Path - Practice


Theoretical Fundamentals

Medical Music
Preparations on CD

Scientific Research

Research Fields in Detail

Immune System

Immune Status

Immune Status



Astronomy of Mind EQ x IQ

Hall of Harmony

International Experts

Educational Program

Scientific Research

International Media

International Congresses


Application to the University



Improving the Immune Status of Pregnant Women
under the Threat of Abortion
The immune status was evaluated
according to the following criteria:

  1. content of leucocytes in blood
  2. percentage and absolute amount of lym­pho­cytes
  3. populations of t- and b-lymphocytes
  4. sub populations of t-lymphocytes
  5. their relation (immune regulating index: IRI)
  6. relation of leucocytes and t-lym­pho­cytes (leuco t-cell: LTI)
  7. values of the functional activity of t-lym­pho­cytes: proliferation, production of cy­to­kyn (suffocation factor of leucocyte migration: LIF)
  8. b-lymphocytes (immunoglobulines of the classes GMA, granulocytes, chemo­tox­ic­ity as well as oxygen metabolism, which characterizes the fagocitary cell func­tion)
The calculation determined the integral pa­rame­ter of the immune state (IP), which evalu­ates the interrelation of the parameters under investigation and differentiates the state of disbalance in the immune status.

Medical Resonance Therapy Music® Group

This group comprised 13 women at the age of 20 – 25 years, who in addition to a traditional drug treatment (sedatives, spasmolytica, hor­mones, vitamins) were treated for one week 1-2 times per day with Medical Resonance Therapy Music®.

The immunological investigation was per­formed before the treatment and four days af­ter the last treatment with Medical Resonance Therapy Music®. Here clear tendencies for a normalization of the individual values of the immune status could be observed, the posi­tive changes being more obvious than in the control group.
After the treatment the percentage of healthy patients in this group was 55%.
Control Group

The control group counted 13 women with the same diagnoses, who were exclusively treated with medical drugs – sedatives, spasmolytica, hormones, vitamins.

The immunological investigation was per­formed before the treatment and four days af­ter the last treatment with drugs. Also here tendencies for the normalization of the in­di­vid­ual values of the immune status were ob­served, but they were less explicit than in the experimental group. After the treatment the percentage of healthy patients counted 46% in this group.



Prof. Dr. med. W. Sidorenko
Dr. med. G. Lukaschewitsch
Dr. med. N. Kusowkowa
Dr. med. W. Duda
Dr. med. J. Samojlowitsch
Dr. med. N. Kurik
Dr. med. S. Potapowa
Dr. med. G. Propnikowa
Dr. med. G. Karnewitsch