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Peter Hübner
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Scientists from Tuebingen discover the Brain Regions responsible for Self Awareness
GERMAN SCIENCE FORUM: Simpler one probably cannot explain what here with this statement “Scientists of Tuebingen discovered the brain regions responsible for self-awareness” is in need of correction.  
“The extraordinary
does not happen in a
straight, ordinary way.”
“You must not deny to me using allegories,
otherwise I would not know how to explain myself.”
Now the “INNOVATION REPORT  – Forum for Science, Industry and Economy”, respectively the scientists involved in the research go on reporting:
“Over the last years empirical research into human consciousness has experienced an enormous upswing.”
Reading the report, you, of course, first of all put yourself the question:

what is meant here with “enormous upswing” – a “quantitative upswing” or a “qualitative upswing”.

“Just as the right of thinking,
one has the right of marvelling and questioning too.”
Lin Yutang
PETER HUEBNER: Regarding the matter of human consciousness it can only be about a quantitative ‘upswing’, which probably documents itself most notably in an increased turn-over of money in this field of research.
“Progress is only
an ever clearer answer
to the basic questions of life.”
Leo Tolstoi
GERMAN SCIENCE FORUM: “One of the core questions here concerns the presence and importance of self-awareness and its neuronal fundamentals”, writes the “INNOVATION REPORT  – Forum for Science, Industry and Economy”, respectively say the scientists involved in the research.  
“To know,
what one knows,
and to know,
what one does,
this is knowledge.”
PETER HUEBNER: As good and as bad as you can gain knowledge about the cow by researching the cow dung, as good and as bad you can gain knowledge about self-awareness by researching neurophysiological processes.
“Sense of duty without love makes annoying
responsibility without love makes inconsiderate
justice without love makes hard
truthfulness without love makes addicted to criticism
cleverness without love makes deceitful
friendliness without love makes duplicitous
order without love makes narrow-minded
expert knowledge without love makes dogmatic
power without love makes cruel
honour without love makes arrogant
property without love makes avaricious
faith without love makes fanatic.”
Lao Tse
Of course researching the cow dung allows to draw some conclusions about the creature producing this specific dung, but nobody would want to assume of really being able to gain in this way serious scientific knowledge about the producer of this dung: the cow:  
“The battle of reason is
to overcome that
what the mind has fixed.”
G. W. Hegel
about how it looks like, about its way of living, about its way of walking, of thinking and feeling – while somebody eating the cow is already in his conscience obliged to denying the cow the capability of thinking and feeling.
“Who reaches for the stars
must pay attention that the
feet remain firmly on the ground.”
Heinz Pol
The researchers therefore have to learn, to use the same path of knowledge which also evolution, or nature, uses when creating and maintaining things: the way from consciousness to neurophysiology – otherwise they stand with their methodology of gaining knowledge where the dung scientist stands in that example too: they mix up cause and effect.
“Two things are necessary for our work:
untiring perseverance
and the readiness
to throw something away,
you have put a lot of time and work in.”
Albert Einstein
GERMAN SCIENCE FORUM: According to your statements the majority of the studied music experts makes traditionally the same mistake too in regard to classical composing and its authorship: of mixing up cause and effect ...
Medical Music Preparations on CD
Listening Program:
Disorders of the Hormone
& Immune System

RRR 103 Disorders of the Hormone- and Immune System
RRR 931
RRR 932
RRR 937

If you click on the title of the program,
it will lead you to the scientific research.