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STRESS – The Epidemic of Modern Society
Page  1 2

We “take things to heart” not only
figu­ra­tively, but lit­er­ally

Sud­den death, which is the lead­ing cause of death in the world, is very fre­quently as­so­ci­ated with an outpour­ing of stress re­lated hor­mones that cause seri­ous dis­tur­bances in heart rhythm that can be fa­tal, even in young, healthy peo­ple.

Such "fight or flight" re­sponses to stress have been ex­qui­sitely honed over the lengthy course of man's evo­lu­tion as life sav­ing meas­ures. Under se­vere stress, heart rate and blood pres­sure soar, blood sugar rises to fur­nish fuel for en­ergy, blood is shunted away from the gut where it is not im­me­di­ately needed for pur­poses of di­ges­tion to the large mus­cles of the arms and legs, to pro­vide more strength in com­bat, or greater speed in get­ting away from a scene of po­ten­tial peril.

The blood clots more quickly to pre­vent loss from hem­or­rhage, our pu­pils di­late to im­prove the range of vi­sion, and a mul­ti­tude of other re­ac­tions over which we have no con­trol are im­me­di­ately and auto­mati­cally evoked.

All of these would have been use­ful, if not life sav­ing, in help­ing primi­tive man to deal with sud­den threats that de­manded im­me­di­ate fight or flight. How­ever, the na­ture of stress for mod­ern man is not an oc­ca­sional physi­cal con­fron­ta­tion with a saber-toothed tiger or a hos­tile war­rior, but rather a host of emo­tional threats, like get­ting stuck in traf­fic, fights with cus­tom­ers, co-work­ers, or fam­ily, that can occur sev­eral times a day. Unfor­tu­nately, our bod­ies still react with these same, ar­chaic, stereo­typed re­sponses, that are now not only not use­ful, but dam­ag­ing and deadly.

Re­peatedly in­voked it is not hard to see how they could cause heart at­tacks, hy­per­ten­sion, strokes, ul­cers, mus­cle spasms, and other “Dis­eases of Civi­li­za­tion”.

It is im­por­tant to rec­og­nize that stress
is not al­ways nec­es­sar­ily bad.

Win­ning a race or elec­tion can just be as stress­ful as los­ing, or more so.
A pas­sionate kiss and an­tici­pat­ing what might fol­low is stress­ful, but hardly likely to be ac­com­panied by the same psychophysi­ol­ogic re­sponses as hav­ing root canal sur­gery. In­creased stress also in­creases pro­duc­tiv­ity – up to a point, af­ter which things de­te­rio­rate.

It’s equally im­por­tant to em­pha­size that this level dif­fers for each of us. It’s very much like the ten­sion or stress on a vio­lin string. Not enough re­sults in a raspy, grat­ing noise, but too much pro­duces a shrill note that is ir­ri­tat­ing, or breaks the string. How­ever, just the right amount of stress cre­ates me­lodic and har­mo­ni­ous tones. Simi­larly, we all have to find the op­ti­mal amount of stress that al­lows us to make pleas­ing mu­sic in our daily li­ves, rather caus­ing us to snap.

Just as stress is dif­fer­ent for all of us, no stress re­duc­tion strat­egy works for eve­ryone. Jog­ging, medi­ta­tion, yoga, deep breath­ing or pro­gres­sive mus­cu­lar re­laxa­tion ex­er­cises are great for some in­di­vid­uals. How­ever, when ar­bi­trar­ily im­posed on oth­ers, they can be bor­ing and stress­ful.

“As has been con­vinc­ingly dem­on­strated in care­fully con­ducted sci­en­tific stud­ies using Medi­cal Reso­nance Ther­apy Mu­sic, cer­tain types of mu­si­cal com­po­si­tions can re­lieve stress and anxi­ety in pa­tients about to un­dergo sur­gery, in sur­geons while they are op­erat­ing, and to im­prove im­mune sys­tem func­tion, and re­duce pain and post op­era­tive com­pli­ca­tions as well as du­ra­tion of hos­pi­talization.”
Read­ing, aromather­apy, en­gag­ing in hob­bies, vol­un­teer work, may also lower stress lev­els, and you have to find out what works best for you. This is es­pe­cially im­por­tant for pa­tients with coro­nary heart dis­ease. A re­cent re­port in the Ameri­can Jour­nal of Car­di­ol­ogy showed that men suf­fer­ing from se­vere an­gina im­proved sig­nifi­cantly with medi­ta­tion. Nu­mer­ous other stud­ies con­firm that walk­ing, regu­lar ex­er­cise, mu­sic, and other stress re­duc­tion ac­tivi­ties can also re­marka­bly re­duce risk for heart at­tacks and sud­den death.

Stress is an un­avoid­able con­se­quence of life

There are some stresses you can do some­thing about and oth­ers you can’t. The trick is in learn­ing how to dis­tin­guish be­tween the two. The best way to ac­com­plish this is to take time to write down all the things that you find stress­ful in your life. Then sepa­rate them into two lists; those you can’t pos­si­bly hope to avoid or in­flu­ence, and oth­ers that you might be able to con­trol.

Try not to be­come preoc­cu­pied with the first list. If a loved one dies, it’s ob­vi­ously stress­ful, but there is noth­ing you can do about it. Pri­ori­tize the items on the sec­ond list, so that you can use your time and tal­ents more ef­fec­tively, rather than be­ing like Don Qui­xote, tilt­ing at wind­mills.

If one of the items on this list is that what could be a 15 min­ute com­mute to work takes you an hour each way be­cause of traf­fic jams, you could go to your su­pe­rior and ask if you can come in and leave one hour ear­lier. If that’s not pos­si­ble, then in­stead of fuming and honk­ing your horn, util­ize this time prod­uctively to lis­ten to a CD of a book you haven’t had time to read, learn a for­eign lan­guage, or bene­fit from the pow­er­ful stress re­duc­tion ef­fects of the Medi­cal Reso­nance Ther­apy Mu­sic.

Al­though the mecha­nism of ac­tion is not clear, the wide va­ri­ety of re­wards that have been achieved sug­gests an abil­ity to ac­ti­vate the awe­some po­ten­tial for self heal­ing and pur­poseful re­gen­era­tion that re­sides in all of us.

“Al­though the mecha­nism of ac­tion is not clear, the wide va­ri­ety of re­wards that have been achieved sug­gests an abil­ity to ac­ti­vate the awe­some po­ten­tial for self heal­ing and pur­poseful re­gen­era­tion that re­sides in all of us.”
Medi­cal Reso­nance Ther­apy Mu­sic is based on the Py­thago­rean prin­ci­ple that the har­mony laws of the mi­cro­cosm of mu­sic are reso­nant with those that gov­ern the mac­ro­cosm of the uni­verse, and can stimu­late the natu­ral wis­dom of the body to re­store ho­meo­sta­sis.
How­ever, theo­ries don’t have to be cor­rect, only facts do, and the facts are that this unique mo­dal­ity can pro­vide nu­mer­ous physi­cal and emo­tional bene­fits.

Stress is an un­avoid­able con­se­quence of liv­ing, and if you can’t fight and you can’t flee, you have to learn to flow. I encour­age all of you, and es­pe­cially pa­tients with heart dis­ease, to dis­cover how the Medi­cal Reso­nance Ther­apy Mu­sic can help you cope with stress, so that you will be­come more prod­uctive, rather than self de­struc­tive, and enjoy a much im­proved qual­ity of life.

Prof. Dr. med. Paul J. Rosch
President of the American Institute of Stress
Clinical Professor of
Medicine and Psychiatry
New York Medical College


Medical Music Preparations on CD
RRR 940 Cardiac and Circulatory Disorders
Cardiac &
Circulatory Disorders

RRR 932 General Stress Symptoms
General Stress Symptoms


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Medical Music Preparation or
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