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As soon as our inner breath

7. 12, 8. 13, 15. 25
4, 6-9, 11, 15-21

has raised our mind in this manner
1.-3. 3, 11. 21, 12.-14. 22, 18. 33, 19. 34
1.-3. 2, 3, 12.-14. 22, 23, 19.-21. 34, 35

to the value of comprehensive cosmic function,
4, 11, 18
5, 10, 17

its capability of projection
1.-3. 2, 3, 11. 21, 12.-14. 22, 23, 18. 33, 19.-21. 34, 35

and with this also our process of knowing
5. 7, 8, 6. 11, 7. 12, 8. 13, 9. 14, 10. 17, 18, 15. 25, 16. 26, 17. 29, 30

gains the function of cosmic achievement too: on the level of unity we perceive all the diversity of music as a dynamic continuum beyond space and time, and we experience every individual aspect as an integrating part of the whole.
5. 7, 8, 6. 11, 7. 12, 8. 13, 9. 14, 10. 17, 18, 15. 25, 16. 26, 17. 29, 30
7. 12, 8. 13, 15. 25
4, 6-9, 11, 15-21
6. 11, 7. 12, 8. 13, 9. 14, 15. 25, 16. 26
5. 9, 6. 10, 11, 7. 12, 8. 13, 9. 14, 15, 10. 16, 15. 25, 16. 26, 27, 17. 28
1.-3. 3, 11. 21, 12.-14. 22, 18. 33, 19. 34
1.-3. 2, 3, 12.-14. 22, 23, 19.-21. 34, 35
6. 10, 11, 9. 14, 15, 16. 26, 27
5. 9, 6. 10, 10. 16, 17, 17. 28, 29
5. 6, 7, 10. 18, 19, 17. 30, 31
4. 4, 5, 11. 20, 21, 18. 32, 33